What is DIY Book Promo?
I've never paid anyone to promote my books
In DIY Book Promo, I aim to help you find readers using free tools like email and social media. I share everything I've learned during the successful marketing campaign for my novel, Fiona's Guardians. DIY Book Promo is also the title of my speaking engagements (in-person and virtual) at writer's conferences and with author groups.

Who is Dan Klefstad?
30 years of broadcasting & book marketing experience
I'm a retired radio host and newscaster who had an author interview program on NPR station WNIJ. Not surprisingly, much of what I teach involves pitching media for interviews and performing well in front of the mic. My novel, Fiona's Guardians, sold well enough to be reissued in hardcover. The book was adapted by the all-professional acting company, Artists' Ensemble Theater, for their Mysterious Journey podcast. A short film adaptation is in pre-production.

Who needs DIY Book Promo?
Unless you're famous, you do!
My seminars and my latest release, DIY Book Promo, are designed to help self-published authors, those with traditional contracts, and even Big Five authors who've been assigned puny budgets for promotion.

Get in touch
Schedule me for in-person or virtual sessions, or send a comment/question to:
danklefstad@gmail.com or find me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn